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Rose otto essential oil has an intoxicating aroma that immensely helps in relieving stress. It is also known to help occasional discomfort associated with women's menstrual cycle; and is excellent for all skin types. It has a strong floral and sweet fragrance that is intoxicating and highly romantic.

Sku: MEENA/EO/0217
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Rose otto essential oil has an intoxicating aroma that immensely helps in relieving stress. It is also known to help occasional discomfort associated with women's menstrual cycle; and is excellent for all skin types. It has a strong floral and sweet fragrance that is intoxicating and highly romantic. Rose otto oil is obtained from steam distillation and by the solvent method of the flower of the plant.

Rose Otto essential oil has a beautifully feminine aroma and it is unsurpassed when used in skin care to balance combination skin, and nourish dry or ageing skin. There is no finer essential oil than Rose Otto oil for mature or dry skin in need of moisture. This divine smelling essential oil soothes, softens and hydrates the skin whilst bringing a gentle toning action that helps to strengthen the collagen-elastin network. This network is what keeps your skin soft, supple, radiant and young-looking.

Further, this oil as a mild astringent action is effective in reducing and fading those unsightly broken capillaries (spider veins) and red patches if you use it regularly in your skin care routine. Just add a few drops of this precious oil to a cream or lotion base and you will both see and feel improvements in the tone, softness and radiance of your skin.

This essential oil is extracted from the species Rosa damascene, it holds a special place in the hearts of all who love aromatherapy and natural perfumery. There is quite simply no other essential oil quite like it in terms of fragrance and wealth of therapeutic healing benefits.

Uses of Rose Otto Oil:

  • This essential oil has cleansing, moisturizing and tonic properties which further make it an excellent choice for smoothing and softening facial lines and wrinkles.
  • It is used in nourishing and balancing for Mature, Sensitive and Dry Skin types.
  • It is used to fade old scars. Also, you can blend it with Helichrysum to enhance this effect.
  • This oil can be easily blended with Geranium, Helichrysum, Lavender, Spikenard, YlangYlang and Carrot Seed oil to enhance its properties.
  • This oil is useful for treating pathogenic micro-organisms.
  • This oil has the ability to reduce infection and relieve cramps makes it useful remedy for treating intestinal inflammation and a helpful aid for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Crohn's Disease.
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