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Kalonji oil and seeds are incredible however Kalonji oil is doubtlessly preferred more than the seeds mostly on the grounds that it is 35 to 50% and is user-friendly as well. Using Kalonji oil once in a day boosts your immunity, works like a medicine for almost all diseases and even helps in fighting bacterial attack. This oil has effective anti-bacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Following are the advantages of this oil ?

Sku: MEENA/CO/0100
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Kalonji oil and seeds are incredible however Kalonji oil is doubtlessly preferred more than the seeds mostly on the grounds that it is 35 to 50% and is user-friendly as well. Using Kalonji oil once in a day boosts your immunity, works like a medicine for almost all diseases and even helps in fighting bacterial attack. This oil has effective anti-bacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Following are the advantages of this oil ?

  1. Kalonji oil averts hair loss: Apply Kalonji oil on your scalp after washing your hairs properly. Maintain this routine for 15 days to get favorable outcomes regarding prevention of hair fall.
  2. Kalonji oil for Pimples removal:It helps in glowing of skin, counteracts blemishes, pimples, acneor other spots on the skin. White or dark spots can likewise be averted when the blend of half tsp Kalonji oil and one cup vinegar is appliedbefore going to bed and in the morning.
  3. Prevent diabetes by using Kalonji Oil: The utilization of this oil is valuable in the administration and anticipation of Diabetes. A blend is made with half tsp of Kalonji Oil and I cup of decoction of black tea. It is recommended to take the mixturebefore going to bed and in the morning. There is a good opportunity to have positive outcomes within a month.
  4. Kalonji oil for Memory increase:Kalonji oil can amazingly help in increasing the memory power.
  5. Reducesheadache: Headache can be relieved by using Kalonji oil. Applying this Oil on forehead and nearby ears relieves headache. Half tablespoon of this oil can likewise be drunk two times in a day to get a relief frommigraine. Taking Kalonji daily is likewise useful in curing of headache.
  6. Kalonji oil can treat Asthma:Kalonji oil is beneficial in treatingasthma and respiratory issues.
  7. Kalonji oil for vision and eyesight: Kalonji oil is very helpful for eye related issues, for example, eye redness, watering and cataract. The mixture of carrot juice and half table spoon Kalonji oilis useful in case of eye maladies when taken two timesin a day.
  8. Beneficial for Teeth strengthening: This oil is recommended in the curing of dental ailments, for example gum swelling, pre mature falling of teeth, bleeding, and so forth.
  9. Kalonji oil for Stomach torment:It plays a major role in reducing the impact of stomach agony. To get relief from stomach torment, it is recommended to take the mixture ofa pinch of black salt, half table spoon Kalonji oil, and warm water (? glass).
  10. Kalonji oil for Acidity and hyperacidity: Gas formation and acidity can be averted when the mixture of ginger juice (1 tsp), Kalonji oil (? tsp) is taken along with salt andwater.
  11. Works wonders in case of low hearing: Kalonji oil is very helpful in tackling the issue of hearing. First of all, heatit for few minutes then let it cool. After that, pour 2 drops of Kalonji oil into the ear to take care of the issue of low hearing, ear ache, pus flow from ear and other ear issues.

Conclusion ? Apart from all these advantages, Kalonji Oil has lot more to offer. It would be really good if you yourself experience the advantages of this oil by buying and using it.

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