Attar Ruhel Wardh

As low as $5.00

Irrespective of the sex you have or the country you belong to, Attar is one thing you definitely. Authentically Attar is prepared from different flower petals distilled in water. High temperature and low pressure induces mesmerizing fragrance in the Attar. It contains many other exotic natural ingredients which give them a hypnotizing aroma. Attar RuhelWardh is renowned for containing enchanting smells and beautifying aroma. With its sweet yet effective smell it calms the nervous system and brings tranquility to the mind. Pure and unadulterated Attar RuhelWardh has aromatic as well as medicinal uses. Composed of only natural elements, it is preferred many other types of Attars.

Sku: MEENA/NA/0149
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Categories: Products , NATURAL ATTAR ,
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Irrespective of the sex you have or the country you belong to, Attar is one thing you definitely. Authentically Attar is prepared from different flower petals distilled in water. High temperature and low pressure induces mesmerizing fragrance in the Attar. It contains many other exotic natural ingredients which give them a hypnotizing aroma. Attar RuhelWardh is renowned for containing enchanting smells and beautifying aroma. With its sweet yet effective smell it calms the nervous system and brings tranquility to the mind. Pure and unadulterated Attar RuhelWardh has aromatic as well as medicinal uses. Composed of only natural elements, it is preferred many other types of Attars.

Attar RuhelWardh impacts your emotional, mental and physical health in the following mentioned ways:-

  1. Attars are pure fragrances which are the fuel of the soul. It helps you connect to your deeper consciousness. Stimulating the energy of the body, it allows you to connect to your own self.


  1. This aromatic attar attracts all other souls towards you. It gives an impression of a positive and an enriched human being.


  1. It brings back the natural harmony of the body and the mind. The body can better resonate with the mind bringing neutrality in one?s life.


  1. RuhelWardh Attars have mild fragrances which complements women?s personality and preferences.


  1. Unlike synthetic perfumes, it can be directly applied on the body without any ill effects.


  1. It regulates the heart beat and blood circulation helping the body to function better.


  1. It has endless benefits when it comes to one?s emotional and mental health. It brings peace of mind and positivity in one?s life.


  1. It stimulates the energy of the human body bringing tranquility to mind and emotions. It directly uplifts mood and helps one feel good in all dimensions of life.


  1. It has been scientifically proven to help in curing cough, Asthma and Tuberculosis.


  1. Women use RuhelWardh Attar to help them with menstruation issues, menopause and pregnancy disorders. It helps in bringing balance to your natural tuning of the body.


Attars are used all over the globe for various medicinal and personal uses. Their significance lies in the fact they help people with physical, emotional and mental glitches. Most outstanding vertical in their reputation is the use of only natural herbs and remedies. The brilliance of its aroma enchants you with comfort, calmness and splendidness. It?s mesmerizing and long lasting effects attract everyone towards you enhancing your natural confidence.

RuhelWardh Attar specifically is aristocratically enchanting. Its fragrance takes you to a place and time where everything is filled with love, marvelous energy and unsurpassable serenity.


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